tomodachi Summit Hiroshima2023 (1)


 Welcome! みんなのGlobal Classroom.


  1.  Get language learners, English and Japanese, together.
  2. Provide language and culture meeting virtually where learners can teach and learn from each other. Improve language skills and communication skills as well.
  3. Appreciate diversity and build trust and understanding. Grow friendships and global citizenship to improve the world, create peace, working together.



About us

 We are a Non-Profit Online International Exchange Group

Ishihara, who lives in the U.S., Waseguri, who lives in Hiroshima, founded this organization, and Hiroakii, a creative supporter, are working together.

The recent pandemic has canceled international exchange events at schools. Therefore, adults are taking the initiative to help children learn English and organize international exchange programs.


  Motoko Ishihara(Organizer, U.S.A.)

 Akari Waseguri(Hiroshima Japan Organizer)

 Hiroaki (Fukuoka, Creative Support)


How we started みんなのGlobal Classroom


    During COVID, especially before we got vaccinated, we were tired of living isolated from school and the workplace. Students especially had a challenging time. We shared the same mind l to do something for students.

 Fortunately, we could meet virtually in 2021, though we live in the States and Japan thousands of miles away. We discussed and put our idea into action, helping students create a place for language learners together.

   We all had difficulty communicating in English, though we studied it in Japan from middle school to college. We decided to change the way they learn and look in Japanese schools. Learning a language means something other than a good grade in the class but communicating with it. We also need experience to speak out and chat about what they want.


 Even though we were staying at home, we could meet students oversea! If they could meet students of the same age, it would be fun and easy to communicate. It would be a better place where teachers critique and grade. We prepare the site and encourage them.


A virtual meeting was the best solution! Then we took action. First, we had smaller goals, to create places and sites for the student to meet and to use the language they learned during COVID. In addition, we wanted to help students who lived overseas and found a challenging blending in Japanese school, even though they can speak English better and experienced respecting diversity. They needed to share their experience.


Thanks to positive participants from Japan and U.S., we saw much better results after several meetings than we expected. The students named and called our group and the participants Cool Kids Across The Pacific.


Our desire to give opportunities to as many students as possible has been growing. We started to establish a no-profit organizationみんなのGlobal Classroom, based in Hiroshima,


Experience global meetings. From Hiroshima, we would like more young people to participate in the meeting. Eventually, it would be excellent for the participants to visit and meet in real. Also, we would like to offer activities where they can meet in person.

We hope the participants will be private ambassadors


Join us! Apply for the next event.



Activities     What we have been doing

Regular Meeting: High schoolers Meeting The same members interact with each other for a year and report on their growth. 2022-


Connect schools and assist virtual exchange meetings monthly Sep.2022-

Oora High School in Hokkaido and a Japanese class at Jerome High School in Ohio


Organize virtual exchange meeting for Nagisa High School and McPerry in Iwakuni U.S. Base   Feb.2023


ともだちSummit, A virtual presentation competition for both Japanese and English learners.

Jue.2023  Connected from Hiroshima


Our views

     ” to meet and interact in person” is essential education for children

We want to allow them to see the world independently and creatively. I want them to be” private diplomats.” connecting the world.


We want Japanese children to experience the “thinking by students” and “self-directed presentation” educational systems of Western countries, which are unfamiliar to them in Japan.


We also support children who have returned to their home countries after spending many years abroad due to their parents’ work commitments, etc., and support for Japanese language and cultural activities for children who grew up abroad but have ties to Japan.

We will advise the children of families stationed abroad (in English-speaking countries) and help them learn English.

Building bridges between Japan and the U.S. We want children to cherish the individuality they have developed overseas. We will



     Mazda factory tour (to hear about Mazda’s expansion in North America and Asia in English, with a zoom from a local speaker)

     Japanese lunch box making (Let’s make CHARACTER bento box or onigiri)

     Holding a joint store with the involvement of Hiroshima (Supported by: the Chamber of Commerce)


In addition, the Sports club’s organizers can contact each other to arrange shared game events. The school will provide their club information directly to you.


     Sports exchange means playing games (soccer, baseball) together and joining a  school sports club.



What we are doing:

     Keep Liaison with overseas faculty and contacts

     Gathering information on overseas educational institutions

     Planning and creation of international education programs.

     Research, translation, negotiation, and documentation in Japanese/English.

     Coordination with overseas academic institutions

      Attending participants, guiding and interpreting, counseling, etc





Why did we start

 米国側 日本語+日本文化教育への貢献  コロナ渦による「人の交流」を止めない。


日本側 学校で学ぶことのない友達同士の会話の延長線上に国際交流が身近にあってほしい。どんな子にも世界に向き合えるチャンスを与えたい。












みんなのGlobal Clarssroom (前 Cool Kids Across The Pacific中高生のためのオンライン日米英語•日本語交流


アメリカ在住の石原と早稲栗、そしてクリエイティブサポーター安達 と共にこの組織を立ち上げ活動しております。



















 米国側 日本語+日本文化教育への貢献  コロナ渦による「人の交流」を止めない。


日本側 英語学校で学ぶことのない友達同士の会話の延長線上に国際交流が身近にあってほしい。どんな子にも世界に向き合えるチャンスを与える。






国際平和文化都市を理念に掲げる広島から、もっと学生たちに身近に国際理解や文化理解を学ぶ場を提供したい。具体的にはオンラインで広島の大学生とアメリカの大学などで日本語学ぶ学習達との交流、将来的にはStudy tourなどを行い活発な交流を行う









home 1 image cool kids aug









テレビゲームの一場面 低い精度で自動的に生成された説明,タイムライン 自動的に生成された説明


2022年8月 日米の学生さんとともに平和・ヒロシマ・命を考え・盆踊りを楽しむオンライン交流会を提供できました。


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Hokkaido Ozora High school X Ohio Jerome Highschool regular Monthly Meeting



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★現在活動中の北海道大空町立大空高校(名物はかま校長こと、大辻雄介さんとタッグを組んでおります。総務省地域情報化アドバイザー)とアメリカオハイオ州Jerome高校(月に一度アメリカ授業内)との交流会 小さな小さな町の高校生をアメリカに繋ぐことに大変やりがいと面白さを感じています!


★山口県岩国市米軍基地内MCPerry高校と広島市なぎさ高校との交流会(2024年2月開催 広島県内大学に呼びかけボランティアを募っております。2024年には岩国基地内小中高と広島市小中高生による交流会を発足させます)













Contact Us 


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Cool Kids Across The Pacific 中高生のためのオンライン日米英語・日本語交流


Cool Kids Across the Pacific

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山形出身、広島市在住、短大卒業後カナダ留学。その後商社勤務を経て結婚を機に退職、アメリカ、オハイオ州、アラバマ州へ移住。駐在中自分の子供の通う小学校などでボランティアを通じアメリカの教育現場にふれ”学び”について考える。教育格差、多様性、スペシャルケアの必要な子供たちへの学校の在り方など現地での活動で得た知識を日本の教育に生かしたいと考え、帰国後、国際教育コーディネーターとして非営利団体Cool Kids Across the Pacific を立ち上げる。




石原意子(いしはら もとこ)


岡山県出身、アメリカテキサス在住 岡山県で中学校で英語教師として25年間勤める。華道の精神で己を鍛え、世界で文化交流に精力的に活動をしている。

tomodachi Summit Hiroshima2023 (1)
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